Yandina Bypass beginning construction

Yandina Bypass under construction

Official opening of Les Baker Bridge over Burnett River at Gayndah by the Hon Tom Burns, Deputy Premier and Minister for Housing.

Pacific Motorway under construction

Logan Motorway Interchange
The Pacific Motorway Learnings

Queensland Transport Driver Reviver Rest Stop

Roads Implementation Program Report with Roads Programs Officer Heather Byrnes

Close up of road damage on the Diamantina Developmental road 30 km from Mt Isa

Bruce Highway under construction overtaking lane facility north of Maryborough south of Appletree Creek on the Bruce Highway

Barkly Highway

School crossing

Bikeway Board Inspecting Bikeway under construction from Victoria Bridge to Commercial Rowing Club

Timber deck bikeway, under construction along side the Cultural Centre

Cloncurry River Bridge on the Barkly highway

Environmental testing at Herston Laboratory, Senior Testing Officer Brad Woodgate performs an acid sulfate analysis as part of environmental testing of soil at Herston Laboratory

Tully- Mission Beach Road part of the Cassowary management strategy

Cassowary preservation, Wongaling Creek Bridge

Road sign for notification of environmental area
The department has a long and proud history of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to increase economic participation and build capability. Community partnership projects, workforce renewal strategies, training and employment initiatives and targeted education programs were and continue to be a strong focus. Road building is an essential source of jobs in remote Indigenous communities, improving quality of life and self-sufficiency.

Cultural Heritage and Native Title Liaison Officers – Former Director-General of Main Roads Department (Dave Stewart) pictured 4th from the left standing.

Training at Yarrabah

Escort vehicle

Variable Message Sign